Monday, December 19, 2011

Why do we hurt the people we love?

I have been going through a whirlwind of emotions lately as my professional life and my personal life are so closely intertwined that I feel I'm on a collision course of catastrophic magnitude.  I strive for greatness, I want to provide a good life for my family, I want to help others, and most of all I just want to smile a little more.  Throughout the last 10 months as this latest chapter of my life began I don't think I ever fully prepared for what the outcome would or could be. 

When I began writing my life story it was first therapeutic, and secondly in hopes that I could get the work published, and with the proceeds and the underlying theme's, help many others that struggle as I do.  What has actually happened has kind of got me reeling.  While the professional side of my work seems to be moving along rather well, the personal side is not.  I have work with 2 different youth shelters starting in January, I am becoming the spokesperson for a third organization, and I am working on an At-Risk Youth Handbook if you will, as well as establishing some After school programs for these kids.  It's been an awesome personal high, but almost like Rudyard Kipling says in his poem "If", when one side is high, the other will be low, and if we can stare these two imposter's right in the face and treat them exactly the same, then you may "get it".

My family has not taken very kindly to the initial story, even though none of them have read it, or even inquired what it is about, and it has taken a major toll on myself, my wife, my father, and my brother, just to mention a few.  Why is it that it's so difficult for us as individuals to accept that if we say and do things guided by best intentions and positivity, that the person we are talking too doesn't have the same intentions!?  I believe fear and lack of communication leave us with too many questions to answer for ourselves, and when that begins to occur, you as an individual are in trouble.  I mean for you personally it may work out, but if you are trying to live a life where you are close with several others, you may have to learn that sometimes your own thoughts, are not the only ones to be considered, and some times being right is wrong.  For if two people can see the same scenario totally different, how could they ever have resolution.  I believe that it no longer becomes about the particular scenario and it becomes more about those two individuals and which is more important, to be "right", or to be able to call that person a close friend.  Sometimes we must put aside our own thoughts and wishes IF we believe that the individual is worth it.  It seems somewhat crazy to me, but it's true.  In order to have friends and confidants, we must find ways to ignore the way we think as individuals, and try harder to understand what it's like to think as the majority would.

At the end of the day it is a very difficult thing to weave your way through this interesting thing we call life, and I guess it all comes down to who you are and what you want, but remember this one thing.  To me, if you really want to have personal success, you must learn to find your inner voice, and let this be your one true guide.  Yes you will have many people that tell you you're selfish or blind, or what have you, but on the other side of that coin you will find many who respect you, honor you, and do everything in their power to assist you even though your visions are not theirs.

I  would love to hear your comments and thoughts on the subject so please leave them here or you can email me directly at

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