Sunday, April 22, 2012

Set Schedules

So I'm not entirely sure if the rest of you are at all like me, but I am really good at telling myself what I need to do, and when I should do it, but actually getting it done, well that's another story. As I continue to grow as an individual many things take on new meaning and new purpose. In an effort to combat my scatter brain and procrastination issues I have decided to impart a "set schedule", which will hopefully offset these problems.

Even this blog which I had such high hopes for and I had an idea of how often I would post, has not panned out as I would have liked. Fortunately though I know who's to blame, me! I am now attempting to add Blog posts to my set schedule, and so from this day forth, barring any unforeseen emergency's, I will post a new Blog every Sunday! I have added writing, working out, and even simple things such as when I'm going to eat my meals, to my new schedule and I think it's something everyone should try.

If we can wake up every morning and walk to the bathroom where our schedule is staring us directly in the face, how much easier do you think it would be to stick to? Once we start to become accustom to our new routines you will be amazed with how automatic it becomes. Even if you only begin with a few items, if there are things that you know you want to do on the regular but you can't seem to incorporate them into your daily routine, try adding them to your set schedule, and if you miss these appointments there must be consequences. If we can't hold ourselves accountable, who else will?

As I am trying to get a slew of things done today I am keeping this post short and sweet, but I'd definitely like to hear about anyone's successes with imparting strict scheduling into their lives, so please comment and share.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone, and maybe today go find someone to hug and smile at!


  1. I agree that Self- Accountability is certainly the only way to keep to a schedule. Unfortunately, life juggles the priority of things on our list. So, don’t get mad at yourself if one month from now, your Sunday-post goes out the door. That’s what I love about life – it’s unpredictable and ever-changing.

    I love your story and all of the great work you are doing on anti-bullying.

    The next post about Tasha is really a wonderful story – are you going to publish children’s books next?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    My Wonderfully Dysfunctional Blog

  2. I couldn't agree more, and thank you for the comments. It is always important to remember that life gets in the way sometimes and it's important that we don't beat ourselves up for missing scheduled things from our "to do" list.

    I write whatever I feel like at the moment. I have a young child so I have begun writing stories for him, which was how the Tasha story came to be. I would love for my work to be published in any genre. I have my first manuscript, "A Mothers Love", I am completing a guide for At-Risk Youth, and I have a spy thriller almost finished. I just truly enjoy writing and I hope that someday others have the ability to read my work and enjoy it as well.

    You have a great blog and I look forward to visiting it more often.

    Thanks again,

