Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's time to make a change!

When dealing with at risk youth it seems that we always come up with the typical responses as to what it was caused by. Whether it was a single-parent house, alcohol or drugs involved, poverty and all the other usual suspects. But at the end of the day one of the things I think we're all majorly ignoring is the family structure.

The family structure I'm referring to has nothing to do with money, it has nothing to do with poverty, it has nothing to do with alcoholism, drugs or any other problems, but it has to do with young people who are not being educated properly presently, and literally an entire generation who were not properly educated period. 

Obviously as these individuals grow they are having children of their own, and how could we possibly expect that they will be able to lead or guide their children any better than the last generation if we don't initiate change? So we now have a society full of families that are very flawed and very incapable. We have children who have grown up, and are growing up, failed by the system and failed by their parents. Then these kids are having kids, and how do we honestly think the situation will get any better until we take the initiative as Community members, family members, and just damn people that care about the world they live in and co-habitate in, and let's find a way to get in front of these children in order to help!

Are we really afraid to just start saying, "Hey wait a second maybe times have changed, maybe we're not in a big boom anymore, maybe our society should not be growing, so why are we populating like jackrabbits?" 

We need to tell our children, adolescents, teenagers, young adults and everybody else, that if YOU yourself are struggling, what are YOU thinking about bringing a child into this world? If YOU can't afford to eat, if YOU can't afford a car, if YOU can't afford a place to live what are YOU doing having a child? To take it a step further, if you are stressed out, anxious, easily aggravated and have a gloomy outlook on life, maybe you shouldn't be thinking about having a child! What chance does that child possibly have at success? Maybe it's time we change the paradigm and stop telling everyone that they should get married and have children because it's the natural progression of life. Said who? The government, the church, who came up with this amazing ideal and how many flipping years ago was it?? 

Here comes a really original and never thought up idea in the history of man kind so I hope you are prepared, "How about do what works for you?" I know, pretty insane, but it's how I truly feel. If we were all a little more aware, and probably a little more honest with ourselves, I think we would all be very surprised with where our wants for a family and children really come from. The key to life is LOVE, not children, not family, not money, not a house, nothing but love. So where in the definition of love does it say you must have children, especially when you can't afford to raise them, or be there for them? You can have and give love without family or children. Trust me there are more than enough super positive and happy people that are looking to share some. Heck, just think about all the people or family members that are currently in your life that need or want love? Instead of lecturing someone you care about, try giving them a hug and telling them everything will be okay, that is love!

Was the point of having children really so both parents could work jobs in order to survive, and all the while we can pay a daycare, nanny, teenage babysitter, or someone else to raise them? Maybe the reason for having children was sort of like a status symbol, "Hey look at us, we have kids and a house, aren't we special!" Sounds retarded doesn't it, but does it sound that far off to some of you? I truly believe we can make a major impact and really offset some of the problems we face today. We need to educate more, we need to communicate more, but most of all we must band together as there is always strength in numbers. We can create change, we have seen it been done all throughout our history and even at times where the majority said it wasn't possible. The more people that are talking about it, the more impact we will have! 

If we want to really take a step towards reducing the risks that all our youth face today then we have to be willing to get in front of them and be honest! We must tell them that the key to success is their own individual happiness, and I don't know about you, but I would never be happy having a child that I had to sacrifice everything about myself just in order for us all to survive or scrape by. That does not sound like a recipe for success, what do you think?

As always I can be reached directly at and I hope to hear from you. Have a listen for me today on the Scott Thompson Show at 12:10pm EST.

Thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. Its so refreshing to hear someone not afraid to speak out about paradigms shifting. Were not the same people we were a hundred years ago. We wont be the same people a hundred years from now! Its obvious that change is a necessity! After all adaptation is the difference between longevity or extinction. Ive seen to many people have children they are not prepared for or even worst having more children than they can handle. Every child is an individual and needs to be treated accordingly. If one child is struggling more than another they need the parent to be there more to help them on their way. Sorry for the rant but I just had to put my two sense in lol.
