Friday, May 6, 2011

Recent Visits

I wanted to share a very recent event that has once again filled me with a sense of joy and confusion all at once.  About 8 days ago a family friend passed away from Cancer, and it was all too familiar.  Yesterday evening I was planning to head to Toronto with my father and he informed me we would be stopping at his friend Brenda's house to pay our respects to the widow.  I had only met Brenda a handful of times, but I felt comfortable going so I agreed.  That night before I fell asleep, Brenda's husband visited me and asked me to be sure that I conveyed his message to my father, so that he could inform Brenda.  Derek told me that he wanted Brenda to know that he was very sorry for leaving her, that he had never planned or wanted to leave her alone, and that he loved her and missed her very much but he was fine, and everything would be fine for her.  The last thing he told me was to let her know that he's always around, and that he wanted her to be happy.  I was extremely taken back, but I certainly knew I would be getting that message to Brenda.  Today, as I went to meet my father, I thought about the night before.  When I told my dad what happened, he agreed to tell her.  When we arrived at Brenda's house, a very frail, and pale sweet lady, answered the door.  She honestly looked as if life had been sucked right out of her.  After a few minutes I decided it would hold more weight if I told Brenda.  I gently asked her if she didn't mind me sharing some information.  After I explained my own experiences with my mother's passing and the subsequent visits, I went in to what Derek told me.  A transformation occurred!  I saw joy fill her heart and soul, the colour rushed back to her face, and she instantly lit up!  She obviously was brought to tears, but it was clear they were tears of joy.  It felt amazing being able to give her even a little bit of peace, and it's an experience I would like to have over and over again.  She asked me a few other questions, and she even asked me to repeat 3 times everything Derek had told me.  As she walked us out it was clear that I had changed her day, and for this I am eternally grateful.  Brenda asked me to keep my "antennas" up, and if there was any other visits, she would love to hear about them.  While we made our way to the car, Brenda shouted, "Thank you Josh, you made my day, keep doing what you do!"  Hopefully I can continue this kind of work for as long as possible!

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