Thursday, June 21, 2012

Making The Bus Monitor Cry!

I was alerted to this story by Roy Green of the Roy Green Show, thank you very much Roy, and to say I was sick to my stomach when I saw this video would be a grave understatement. I will first post the link here, and then again at the end of my rant so you don't miss it.

In a nutshell you have a group of students between the ages of 11-13 and they videoed 10 minutes of the most disgusting performance I have seen in a long time. These kids verbally assaulted a 68 year old bus monitor while laughing the whole time. The majority of it I don't want to repeat, but the highlights were "You fat f$@#", "Tell me where you live so I can come to your house and sh%& in your mouth", and many more incredibly rude and insensitive comments.

While my initial reaction is to have these kids strangled I quickly took a few minutes and in actuality it's the parents who should be held accountable. In what world do we live in that this behaviour could have carried on for 10 minutes, and on a school vehicle? Is there really nobody else that could have stepped in? How about pulling the bus over and refusing to move or refuse to let any kids off until the situation had been dealt with? How about identifying each of the students who were involved and have them remain on the bus until their parents could come collect them? I definitely don't have all the answers, and one of the reasons I decided to post this blog was to get others' feedback. What do you as parents, educators, community leaders, other students and children think? How should this situation be dealt with in your opinions?

I am going to be back on The Roy Green show this Sunday at 4:30pm EST and I would love to have some of you call in and provide us with some feedback and comments. This is truly something we need to get under control or it's only going to get worse. Are the parents of these children going to let their ego's get in the way and as opposed to dealing with these children appropriately they will get defensive? If we cannot get it through our heads that our children copy our every move. You know, "Monkey see, monkey do"! That is what is clearly happening here. Think about it like this, if you as a parent are watching TV and your child is either with you, or perhaps in the other room doing homework, if you are sitting there aggressively cursing at the person on television, maybe calling them a fat pig or something, are we actually surprised when our kid goes out in public and calls someone a fat pig? If when you talk to your spouse you are loud, aggressive, condescending, and possibly showing traits of a bully, how do you think your child is going to preform?

Maybe when we start asking ourselves more of these difficult to answer questions we will start to see positive change. I am the first to admit I've made mistakes, and many of them. Do you want to know who knows the most about my mistakes and what makes me imperfect? It's my 5 year old son! The more I communicate with him about those things, the better chance he has at avoiding them. I've had enough of hearing parents say they are "too tired after work", or "my kid just doesn't get it". I don't care how tired you are, and your kids certainly don't care, and you want to know why, because they don't understand why you are so tired, they are kids!! If you were worried about being tired maybe you shouldn't have had kids? Guess what else, it's you who doesn't get it, not your kids. The minute you decided making money, paying bills, watching the football game, going out with friends, or whatever else, was more important than raising your children, I don't know what else to say. If it's a Sunday afternoon and you want to watch football but your 7 year old child is your responsibility, maybe that day you don't put your wants first, and you make it about your child. I promise the outcome will be very positive.

I could literally write about this subject matter all day but the time for talking is quickly coming to an end. We must act if we want to see change and we must act now. I thank you all for taking the time to read and support my posts.

Please continue supporting in any way!

Here is the link again

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